Sunday, May 22, 2011

Práctica de multiple choice para examen final para alumnos regulares

Trabajo Práctico 1 Why men don´t iron

1. According to the text people think that...

a. boys are taught to be less agressive.
b. boys and girls are similar.
c. the new man should be different.

2. When young, ...

a. boys like sports.
b. girls talk less than boys.
c. girls study more than boys.

3. Anne and Bill Moir...

a. explain these differences start when men and women are born.
b. think society may change the essence of men.
c. focus on men, not on women in their book.

Trabajo Práctico 2 We are living faster, but are we living better?

1. Nowadays...

a. we work less than before.
b. our parents have machines.
c. we do everything faster.

2. James Gleick thinks that...

a. people are affected by stress.
b. people enjoy doing more things.
c. life is shorter.

3. Today people...

a. read less than before.
b. can´t listen to answerphones.
c. do not relax.

4. In the U.S.A....

a. baseball is faster than before.
b. basketball is more popular than baseball.
c. people prefer slow games.

Trabajo Práctico 3 Addiction to Internet...

1. Internet addiction...

a. is sometimes caused by pornography.
b. is not considered a clinical disorder yet.
c. is not so common.

2. Block says that this addiction brings about...

a. negative feelings.
b. a sense of time.
c. some social awareness.

3. In South Korea Internet addiction has produced...

a. babies diseases.
b. fatal situations.
c. an increase of school attendance.

4. Block says...

a. in America people like surfing.
b. this addiction is not a difficult disease to treat.
c. that people consider computers their best friends.

5. Internet addiction...

a. is demanding a legal approach.
b. is worse in Korea than in America.
c. does not require psychological help to be left behind.

Trabajo Práctico 4 Obama inauguration...

1. Obama became 44th president of U.S.A....

a. in front of more than two million people.
b. and spoke for less than 30 minutes to the crowd.
c. accompanied by the largest political movement ever gathered.

2. He spoke about...

a. the educational crisis.
b. the economical crisis.
c. the moral crisis.

3. Obama warned the people that the goals would demand...

a. effort.
b. power.
c. challenges.

4. People were celebrating because...

a. Obama was African-American.
b. the new president was speaking to the crowd.
c. the Republican rule came to an end.

5. Obama promised...

a. not to forget Guantánamo.
b. not to leave aside the human rights.
c. false choices.

6. Obama criticized...

a. science.
b. the climate change.
c. previous presidents´policies.

7. He spoke about foreign affairs...

a. He hoped for other countries independence.
b. America would live in Iraq.
c. He had hard words for Afghanistan.

8. Obama´s speech...

a. was what people had expected.
b. revealed his honest and bold determinations.
c. frightened the crowd.

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