La definición
definición en inglés está compuesta de los siguientes elementos:
Término que se quiere definir (CONCEPTO), el cual puede designar un objeto o un
designa un objeto el
término es un sustantivo que puede
estar en singular,
de un artículo indeterminado (a/an) o
sin artículo, o en plural sin artículo.
Término que designa la clase a la que pertenece el concepto que se quiere
relación entre el término a definir y su definición es, en general, el verbo to be en el
presente genérico.
Sintagma referido a las características específicas que distinguen el concepto
que se
definir de los otros miembros de la misma clase.
conexión entre el término de clase y el sintagma referido a las características
puede ser
una preposición o un pronombre relativo (that, which o who) o una combinación de
preposición pronombre (in
Veamos un ejemplo:
dioxide is the gas that animals and humans breathe out.
Reading A Paper or Chapter
PSQ5R is a formula that stands for the basic steps in
learning from reading in an efficient
manner. The P stands for Purpose, the S for Survey, the Q for Question, the 5 Rs for Read
Selectively, Recite, Reduce-record, Reflect, and Review.
1. Purpose
Why are you reading this article or chapter, and what
do you want to get out of it? When you
have accomplished your purpose, stop reading. For
instance, your purpose in seeking a
number in the telephone book is specific and clear,
and once you find the number, you stop
"reading." Such "reading" is very
rapid indeed, perhaps 100,000 words a minute! Perhaps it
should be called by its proper name,
"scanning", but when it suits your purpose, it is fast and
efficient. This principle, of first establishing your
purpose, whether to get the Focus or
Theme, or main ideas, or main facts or figures, or
evidence, arguments and examples, or
relations, or methods, can prompt you to use a reading
method that gets what you want in
the minimum time.
2. Survey-Skim
Glance over the main features of the piece, that is,
the title, the headings, the lead and
summary paragraphs, to get an overview of the piece,
to find out what ideas, problems and
questions are being discussed. In doing this you
should find the Focus of the piece, that is,
the central theme or subject, what it is all about;
and perhaps the Perspective, that is, the
approach or manner in which the author treats the
theme. This survey should be carried out
in no more than a minute or two.
3. Question
Compose questions that you aim to answer:
1. What do I already know about this topic? - in other
words, activate prior knowledge.
2. Turn the first heading into a question, to which
you will be seeking the answer when
you read. For example: "What were 'the effects of the Hundred Years' War'?" - and
you might add "on democracy, or on the
economy"? Or "What is 'the impact of
unions on wages'?"
4. Read Selectively
Read to find the answers to your question. By reading
the first sentence of each paragraph
you may well get the answers. Sometimes the text will
"list" the answers by saying "The first
point.... Secondly...." and so on. And in some cases
you may have to read each paragraph
carefully just to understand the next one, and to find
the Focus or main idea buried in it. In
general, look for the ideas, information, evidence,
etc., that will meet your purpose.
5. Recite
Without looking at the book, recite the answers to the
question, using your own words as
much as possible. If you cannot do it reasonably well,
look over that section again.
6. Reduce-Record
Make a brief outline of the question and your answers.
The answers should be in key words
or phrases, not long sentences. For example,
"Effects of 100 Yrs' War? - consolidate Fr.
King's power, Engl. off continent". Or,
"Unions on Wages? - Uncertain, maybe 10-15%".
7. Reflect
Recent work in cognitive psychology indicates that
comprehension and retention are
increased when you "elaborate" new
information. This is to reflect on it, to turn it this way
and that, to compare and make categories, to relate
one part with another, to connect it with
your other knowledge and personal experience, and in
general to organize and reorganize it.
This may be done in your mind's eye, and sometimes on
paper. Sometimes you will at this
point elaborate the outline of step 6, and perhaps
reorganize it into a standard outline, a
hierarchy, a table, a flow diagram, a map, or even a
"doodle." Then you go through the same
process, steps 3 to 7, with the next section, and so
8. Review
Survey your "reduced" notes of the paper or
chapter to see them as a whole. This may
suggest some kind of overall organization that pulls
it all together. Then recite, using the
questions or other cues as starters or stimuli for
recall. This latter kind of recitation can be
carried out in a few minutes, and should be done every
week or two with important material.
Reading Books
In reading books, there are several stages to go
through, and one must make a judgement
at the end of each stage. The question to answer is
"Have I gone far enough to achieve my
purpose?" If you have, STOP. If not, go on.
Note who the author
is, and the date of publication. Read preface and table of
contents. Look at the diagrams and pictures.
Skim read the first
and last chapters. Frequently these are introductory and
summary chapters, and may give you all the information
you need.
Read the first and
last chapters and skim the intervening chapters. This takes you
into the book in greater depth, and allows you to
decide which, if any, of the
intervening chapters you should read.
Read intervening
chapters as demanded by your purpose.
Go into the glossary,
index, and appendices as needed.
Skimming and selective reading are speedy and
efficient techniques for getting what you
need out of books and articles. Many
students think it is cheating not to read every word in a
book. Not so. You are cheating yourself when you waste
time reading material not essential
to your purpose.
Antes de leer
Lea el título,
subtítulos y la introducción del texto que vamos a analizar y luego conteste
las siguientes
1) ¿ Cuál es el
2) ¿ Quiénes serían
los posibles destinatarios?
3) ¿Por qué el autor
utiliza una tipografía diferente en los siguientes casos: Negritas o
"Bold Type"
en la introducción y bastardillas o "italics" en el punto 2?
4) ¿ A qué se
refieren los siguientes números 5 y 100,000?
Mientras lee
1) Efectúe una primer
lectura rápida y luego explique cómo está organizado el artículo.
2) Encuentre en el
texto ejemplos de:
Transcríbala, marque los diferentes componentes e interprétela._________________________________________________________________________
b) Instrucción:
Transcríbala e interprétela.
c) Una instrucción
donde se especifique el propósito: Transcríbala e interprétela.
d) Descripción:
Transcríbala e interprétela.
3) ¿Qué diferentes
tipos o técnicas de lectura se mencionan?
4) En el último punto
el autor parece discrepar con un pensamiento que muchos estudiantes
sostienen ¿Cuál?
Después de leer
1) Indique el
referente de las siguientes palabras :
a) YOU (punto 1 ):
b) THIS ( punto 2 ):
c) IT ( punto 4 ):
d) IT ( punto 5 ):
e) THEM ( punto 8):
2) ¿Como traduciría
las palabras subrayadas terminadas en "ING"?
a) READING (punto 1): ___________________________
b) READING (punto 1): ___________________________
c) LOOKING (punto 5): ___________________________
d) USING ( punto 5): ___________________________
e) INTERVENING (Reading ...): ___________________________
f) CHEATING (Reading ...): ___________________________
3) Encuentre en el
texto un ejemplo de verbo modal que indique sugerencia o recomendación y otro
que indique posibilidad, transcriba la frase que lo contenga, subráyelo e
indique de qué parte del texto lo extrajo.
a) ___________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________
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